January 16, 2012

Golden Globes 2012 Hits and Misses

Uma das noites mais esperadas chegou ontem, os Golden Globes.
Eu bem tentei ficar a ver até ao fim, mas a começar à 1h da manhã sou sincera que a meio adormeci. Mas a primeira coisa que fiz ao acordar foi ver quem foram os vencedores da noite e, claro, ver os outfits que reinaram a noite passada.
Sei que muitos blogs devem estar inundados de posts com os vestidos da red carpet, e já devem pensar "Oh não, mais um post dos Golden Globes" mas sendo eu uma apaixonada por moda, cinema e séries, não pude resistir a comentar um evento que une as três.
Os Golden Globes são como um preview para os Oscares apesar de premiarem não só o cinema mas também a televisão, muitos dos nomeados e vencedores de um acabam por ser os mesmos do outro.
Assim, George Clooney no filme The Descendants, Brad Pitt em Moneyball e Ryan Gosling em The Ides of March são alguns dos favoritos para os nomeados de melhor actor nos Oscares. Se correr como nos Golden Globes o vencedor será George Clooney. Ainda não vi o filme que não estreou cá mas promete, quanto às interpretações dos outros dois, acho que ambos são merecedores, embora tenha que admitir que o meu preferido é o Ryan Gosling. Resta esperar para ver.
Além do prémio para Melhor Actor o filme foi também premiado como Melhor Filme na categoria de Drama em que estava nomeado juntamente com Moneyball e The Ides of March, que aconselho vivamente a ver para quem ainda não o fez, e ainda Hugo que promete transportar-nos para um mundo mágico, realizado por Martin Scorsese que acabou por vencer o Golden Globe como Melhor Realizador e War Horse.
Michelle Williams, elegante e adorável no seu vestido Jason Wu, ganhou a noite com o prémio de Melhor Actriz em Comédia com a sua interpretação da rainha da época de ouro de Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe.
Esta é a altura em que os bons filmes não param de chegar ao cinema,  em que não há dias da semana suficientes para os ver todos.
Passando para a televisão, a série Homeland arrecadou dois dos prémios mais cobiçados da noite o de Melhor Série de Drama e o de Melhor Actriz em Série de Drama, a Claire Danes no papel de Carrie Mathison. Também Kate Winslet foi premiada como Melhor Actriz numa Mini Série com a sua actuação em Mildred Pierce.
Mas o evento não é feito apenas das suas nomeações e dos seus vencedores mas também das pessoas que assistem e, claro, do que levam vestido.
É praticamente impossível não admirar ou criticar algumas das escolhas das celebridades e, por isso, fiz uma pequena lista das que eu considero que foram as mais bem vestidas da gala e as que deixaram um pouco a desejar.

One of the most expected evenings arrived yesterday, The Golden Globe Awards.
I really tried to stay awake during the whole ceremony, but starting at 1am I have to be honest that by the middle of it I dozed off. But as soon as I woke up I ran to my computer to see who were the rest of the winners and, of course, the outfits that were the centre of attentions last night.
I know that many blogs are being flooded by red carpet outfits and you must already been thinking "Oh no, another one" but being a fashion, cinema and series passionate I couldn't help to comment on a event that unites the three.
The Golden Globe Awards are like a preview of the Oscars, although it awards not only the Film Industry but also TV, many of the nominees and winners of one are almost certainly the same as the other.
Therefore, George Clooney on The Descendants, Brad Pitt on Moneyball and Ryan Gosling on The Ides of March are some of the favourites to be the Best Actor nominees of the Oscars. and if it all goes like the Golden Globes the winner will be George Clooney. I haven't seen the film yet because it's not yet on the cinema here but it looks promising, as for the interpretations of the other two, I think either one would deserve it, although I have to say my favourite is Ryan Gosling. We just have to wait and see.
Adding to the Best Actor Award, the film also received the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture in Drama where it was nominated alongside Moneyball and The Ides of March, which I strongly recommend everyone seeing,  and also Hugo that is likely to transport us to a magical world, directed by Martin Scorsese who won the Award for Best Director, and War Horse.
Michelle Williams, elegant and adorable in her Jason Wu dress, won the night with her award for Best Actress in a Comedy with her performance as the iconic Marilyn Monroe.
This is the time when cinemas are full of good films to see, when it seems like there's not enough days in a week to see them all.
Going through to Television, the great winner of the night was the series Homeland with the award for Best Drama TV Series and Best Actress on a Drama Tv Series, with Claire Danes on the role of Carrie Mathison. Also awarded by her performance on Tv was Kate Winslet on Mildred Pierce, as Best Actress on a Mini Series.
But the event isn't all about the nominees and the winners but also about the people who attend it and, obviously, what they wear.
It's almost impossible not to admire or criticize some of the choices of wardrobe celebrities make and, because of that, I came up with a list of who I considered were the best dressed of the ceremony and the ones that I don't really know what went on in their minds.

So here are the Hits

Emma Stone wearing Lanvin, she has been a non stop hit on red carpet lately.

Rooney Mara in Nina Ricci, one to watch in terms of style.

Claire Danes in a backless dress by J Mendel, some might say safe I say great.

This lady never seizes to impress, Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann.

 Always true to her style, Michelle Williams in Jason Wu.

Mila Kunis beautiful in Dior, of course.

And now the Misses, the DON'T try this at home or anywhere, please!

Dianna Agron in Giles. I really like her but what was she thinking?

 Lea Michele in Marchesa. What's up with the Glee kids this ceremony?

Kelly Osbourne in Zac Posen. Starting with the hair and ending in the dress.

Sarah Michelle Gellar, the eternal Buffy, in Monique Lhuillier.

 Nicole Kidman and her thousand plastics in Versace, I used to really like her and thought she had a unique beauty but now...

And Erin Wasson, I'm not even going to say anything about this one.

Qual foi a vossa preferida?
Which one was your favourite?

Para ver o resto dos vencedores basta ir a http://www.goldenglobes.org/nominations/.
E para verem mais alguns dos looks de ontem à noite http://www.facebook.com/thenewblacksheep.

To see the rest of the winners go to http://www.goldenglobes.org/nominations/.
And to see more of last night's looks go to http://www.facebook.com/thenewblacksheep


  1. E ri-me imenso com as tuas opiniões, realmente é verdade :p

  2. Definitivamente a Emma Stone!!! Adoro essa cor e fica-lhe lindamente, super elegante.


  3. Obrigado, o ultimo é super irreverente :)

  4. love emma stone..rooney mara!!! amazing

    Be sure to check out my new post

  5. Eu nunca vejo isso :/
    E hoje cansei com tantas actualizações no face sobre os vestidos... ehehhe


  6. i love your blog! and I'm now following! i agree though, emma stone looked amazing and rooney mara always looks fierce


  7. woah erin, tsk tsk :O everyone else looks beautiful though :)


  8. Eva stone is definitely my favorite, her dress is gorgeous


  9. I love love love your header.
    And great round up.
    NRC ♥

  10. so many stunning looks that I can't find my favorite!!!!!!!!


  11. Concordo plenamente com as tuas opiniões, acho que as últimas podiam ter ficado em casa em vez de irem exibir verdadeiras aberrações x)

    Gostei do teu blog, vou seguir*


  12. Tilda was great!! Hard to choose a favourite!! x

  13. Emma Stone for the win!! So good. Wow, I hadn't seen Erin Wasson's outfit before now. Not good!!

    Fashion Dawgs

  14. Loving all of these styles!
    Just letting you know that I've nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award, please check my blog for more details :)


Really glad to read your thoughts!


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